Тичина Андрей «Ukraine. Centre. South»

Комплектация книг Фолио 1 рабочй день!


The guidebookUkraine. Centre. South” is designed for both the people who live in Ukraine and abroad, who want to plan their trips independently and to discover new routes and new destinations. With the help of this guide one can learn about thirty incre­dible and exciting routes in Central and Southern Ukraine, to know more about interesting places, museums and monuments, to choose the right time for the trip in order to not only enjoy the new discoveries, but to also visit local festivals.

The author of this book drove thousands kilometres in his car and not only told about the landmarks and interesting places, but also shared an important information about the roads conditions.

In addition to that, the author also provides his readers with the comprehensive overview of the museums, hotels, places for entertainment and restaurants, which definitely facilitates route planning for a trip.

The book contains author’s pictures.

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